Integrator Housing Solutions

Integrator Plus Logo White 2023

Plan, predict and budget for the future of your housing stock with cloud-based asset management software that bends to your processes and requirements

  • Cloud-based
  • Modular
  • Compliance in England / Scotland
  • Data API

Additional modules to empower your Asset Management

Energy Toolkit

Your cloud-based integrated energy efficiency evaluation solution

RdSAP Module

Full RdSAP calculation and record-keeping inside your Asset Management System

notus module

The ultimate survey tool for mobile devices

The Comprehensive Asbestos Management Register

Asset Management Software tailored to you, no matter how many properties you manage…

Works seamlessly with your software via our integrated Data API

Stay Within Budget

Deliver projects and works programmes within your annual budget.

Stay Compliant

Our software is designed to work with all UK Government standards.

Hit Your Targets

Full control over your data to monitor ongoing and future asset spend.

Reduce Spend

No third party plugins or reliance on internal IT departments.

FREE demonstration and 7 day trial with no obligation

Do you work with teams of people, all requiring different access levels to your data, whether they’re in the office, at home or on site? Integrator Plus is the asset management system for you. You can try it for 7 days, including a full demonstration, for free. And if you’d just like a quote then no problem!

Over 24 years in Asset Management, decades in the industry…

Industry and company news in our Housing Insights blog

Quidos and Integrator Solutions

Our Partnership with Quidos

Quidos announces a new partnership with Integrator Housing Solutions.

Decent Homes Standards

Decent Homes Standards

DHS improves UK social housing by setting minimum safety, repair, and comfort requirements. Find out how Integrator Plus software aids compliance and sustainability.

superior onsite surveying

Successful Onsite Surveys

Glen Vardy of Roberts Vardy Associates explains why Notus pocket surveyor is the ultimate survey tool for mobile devices

The Solution to Measuring Your Data on the Path to Net Zero

“Housing Associations will play a critical role in a collective decarbonisation journey as we all work towards 2050. But we also know that social housing faces significant challenges along this path, and 47% have concerns about technology in particular.

Our market-leading software is the solution to measuring your data on the path to Net Zero. If you can measure your housing stock data, you can manage it.”

Paul Harrison, Director of Energy

Proud of our long-standing relationships

More than just software…


With you every step on your journey

We are with you throughout the process, whether you’re switching from another software provider after years, or just starting out in asset management.


Comprehensive onboarding experience

Nothing is missed, and we’re always at the end of the phone. But it doesn’t stop there, with ongoing training and development opportunities.


Real people, real support

We’re a team of support staff but you will always have one direct contact with Integrator who will be on hand throughout

Years Established

Units Managed