Stock Condition – Best Practices

Course Details

(1 Day / Virtual) – C211 – £1,200 + VAT per course

  • 1- 4 participants (maximum 10)
  • Additional participants above four would only be charged at the discounted price of @ £250 + VAT per participant

Who’s it For?

This course is aimed at social housing providers, specifically asset, property, estates and technical managers, and those with the responsibility for commissioning new stock condition surveys of their stock. The course explores the main considerations when contemplating commissioning new surveys, equipping you with a strong approach, to provide the best outcomes for your organisation. 

Develop and setup survey strategy:

  • Analyse existing stock & data hierarchy set up
  • Age profiling
  • Tenure and User group profiling
  • 100% data population
  • Use of cloning
  • Survey lifecycle
  • Validate existing data desktop and on-site

Surveying delivery model:

  • Internal Surveyors
  • External Surveyors
  • Combined
  • Component Installation dates
  • Servicing & Inspection records

Develop survey design & software:

  • Planned component replacement
  • Planned repairs
  • DHS
  • RdSAP
  • Custom questions
  • Limitations of survey
  • Software setup including walk order
  • Component costs and lifecycles
  • Hardware

Procurement :

  • Procurement route
  • Contract specification & survey brief
  • Contractor experience & competencies
  • Surveyor qualifications and experience
  • Scope of surveys
  • Project timescale
  • Budget

Contractor selection & appointment:

  • Evaluation criteria
  • Interview
  • References
  • Contract
  • Pilot project

Project pre-start setup:

  • Surveyor selection
  • Surveyor induction
  • Briefing manual
  • Onsite training
  • Surveyor variability
  • Access arrangements
  • Pilot

Communication strategy:

  • Internal
  • External
  • Surveyors

Quality assurance:

  • Post survey desktop validation
  • On-site validation using third party surveyors

Project management:

  • Points of contact
  • Day to day management
  • Regular contractor meetings
  • Interim payments
  • Post contract review

Register your interest

Course of interest:

9 + 2 =